Gold BES Plus Feed

The feed is a perfectly balanced nutrition designed to maximize finishing performance in beef cattle of the cultured breed. CONTAINS: 13% CRUDE PROTEIN 45% STARCH

More About the Product

    Ipek Gold Besi Plus is a high-energy finishing feed. 
    • Balanced with protein, vitamins, and minerals. 
    • Produced in pellet form. 
    • It is a high-quality feed enriched with quality raw materials (barley, corn by-products, soybean meal). 
    • Provides the fastest finishing performance in a short period.

    Ipek Gold Besi Plus ensures rapid live weight gain. 
    • Minimizes the risk of diseases due to its balanced vitamin-mineral content. 
    • The digestibility of nutrients is easily achievable due to the high-quality raw material content.

    • Ipek Gold Besi Plus is specifically used in the feeding of cultured breed beef cattle. 
    • It can be used especially in short-term feeding programs (3-6 months) and during the finishing and fattening period. 
    • Ipek Gold Besi Plus feed should be introduced to the animals gradually, allowing them to get accustomed to it. During the fattening period, Ipek Gold Besi Plus feed should be given in 2 equal portions, twice a day. 
    • There is no need for additional feeding options such as barley crushing in the rations when using Ipek Gold Besi Plus feed. 
    • When fed in conjunction with alternative roughages (corn silage, hay) listed in the table prepared through scientific studies, considering an average daily weight gain of 1400 grams, Ipek Gold Besi Plus feed ensures balanced growth.